Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Escalator

This week has been a bad running week. Bad in the sense that the runs hurt--in my lungs, in my legs, I just can't seem to get away from the pain of it. But also in the sense that I didn't go as often as I wanted to, or as often as I should have if I want to improve.

Improvement--what a ridiculously unattainable thing. Just like an escalator, the prize you seek is continually out of reach. But it must be a nice feeling to look back at all the ground you've covered. It's just important to remember why you're chasing that elusive gem in the distance in the first place.

There are so many things I consider when I'm out there, pounding the pavement and pretending to be hardcore. My weird sense of competitiveness (I say weird not because the fact that I have it is strange, but because it's bizarrely inconsistent), how much I wish the run were over, is the amount that I sweat normal?, my calves are killing me, gah the run just started why isn't it over, breathe breathe breathhhhhe, oh yay downhill, why isn't this run effing OVER yet?, among other more lofty thoughts that I'm sure make it into the jumble.

Right now I'm not at the proud part. I'm not at the reaping my rewards part, not the 'look how far I've come!' part. I'm at the busting my ass hoping it's worth it part. Very 'just keep swimming'.

Here's to tomorrow morning's run.


  1. Exercise in general is hard. Very hard. But, ultimately extremely rewarding if you stick with it. As a poor sleeper, I have the luxury of getting up at the crack of dawn to work out. Mostly in the gym, but recently, I've been running outside a bit. I like running outside better because there is so much more to see, though trwadmills are so much less hard on the legs!! Keep it up, it's totally worth it.

  2. Oh and word of advice, get rid of the word verification for commenters - it shouldn';t be this hard to leave a message

  3. Thanks for the tip. Word verification abolished (if I did it right...)
